2015: Denny Blaine Park Public Safety Issues Emerge

A sleepy neighborhood park, where previously neighbors and occasional clothing optional beach goers coexisted harmoniously, begins to show signs of drug use, illicit activity, lack of parking enforcement, and nudity outside the traditional beach location.

2017: Concerned citizens file a petition against the City of Seattle

They demand enforcement of the Seattle Municipal Code due to increasing illegal activities. Daily documented images highlight the transformation of the park into a less welcoming and unsafe environment.

2019: Progress is made

City of Seattle's Precinct 12 police chief prioritizes enforcement, leading to an improvement in the park's condition.

Spring 2020: COVID Progress is lost

The City’s progress to address public safety issues outlined in the petition is halted by the impacts of COVID-19. The leading neighborhood advocate for a return to law and order at Denny Blaine moves out of Seattle.

December 2023: Public Meeting

A public comment meeting about the playground proposal turns into a shouting match, with neighbors feeling threatened and fearful of retaliation. Parks removes the playground proposal. Friends of Denny Blaine Park is formed by people outside the neighborhood.

March 2024: Proposed Supplemental Use Policy

Neighbors were surprised by a proposed Parks policy to designate Denny Blaine Park as a clothing-optional beach. Neighborhood stakeholders believe the proposed policy doesn’t effectively address the core issues of conduct in a park that is supposed to be welcoming to all.

November 2023: Playground Proposal

Safety and nudity issues continue to escalate. Seattle Parks considers installing a playground to curb public safety issues and seeks donor support. However, the proposal faces backlash from the LGBTQ community, who perceive it as an attack on their use of the Park.

April 2024: Stakeholder Facilitated Meetings

Two meetings occurred with the small stakeholder group, including representatives from parks, neighbors (now Denny Blaine Park for All), the LGBTQ community, and Friends of Denny Blaine Park. These discussions have been productive, finding common ground and shared concerns.

March 2024: Neighbors and Parks Meeting

Neighbors request a direct meeting with Parks to discuss issues ranging from trespassing, to nudity in front of children, to parking. A decision is made to form a small stakeholder group with representatives from parks, neighbors, and the LGBTQ community.

May 2024: Neighbor Support

Please sign our letter of support and visit our calendar for critical upcoming meetings for the future of your community.